
The 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 学生健康中心 offers current students mental short-term health therapy at no cost. 我们的目标是与你合作,提供个性化的支持,帮助你解决任何导致你接受治疗的问题.

研究表明,治疗是否成功的最重要因素是来访者和治疗师之间关系的质量. Some of the factors that go into a good therapeutic relationship include respect, 信任, 以及公开交流的能力. 其他因素可能是你独有的, and it is important to find the "right fit" in working with a therapist.



VC学生你好! My name is Andrew, and I've been working for 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 since 2013. 我从一名年轻的治疗师澳门英皇赌城在线,利用实习时间在这里工作,五年(三年)后成为了一名有执照的治疗师,000小时的实习时间)之后. 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 is also where I started my college and psychology career taking classes here back in 2008. 风投对我来说就像第二个家, and sometimes my two-year-old daughter even calls my work office "daddy's home". I've been working on finding more balance in my life lately.

我现在是我们心理健康服务的临床主管,并支持我们的治疗师团队为澳门皇家赌城在线社区提供心理健康服务. 我还与教职员工一起协调校园内学生的心理健康外展活动并担任VC行为干预与关怀团队(BICT)的心理健康成员. Most days you can find me in my office at the 学生健康中心 with our therapeutic support dog, Bing锣!

My clinical experiences have primarily been working with 年轻的成年人, adults, and older adults. I have helped clients address issues related to 抑郁症, 焦虑, 创伤史, 自尊的问题, 建立更健康的人际关系. 我帮助客户理清思路, 洞察力, and motivation to make the changes that brought them into therapy. 更重要的是, I enjoy the process of getting to know each person and gaining a better understanding of who they are. I do still see some clients occasionally through 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 学生健康中心, 但我现在的大部分工作都是在支持和发展我们的VC学生健康中心治疗师,因为他们正在努力获得执照.

我也是CAMFT认证临床督导, QPR自杀预防讲师, 一级是动机性访谈. 我于2011年在加州州立海峡群岛获得心理学学士学位,并在安提阿大学获得临床心理学硕士学位, 圣芭芭拉分校, in 2013. 在我空闲的时候, 我喜欢徒步旅行, 旅行, and spending time with my beautiful wife and out of control toddler. I'm also an avid filmgoer and can quote most of the Netflix series I Think You Should Leave.


(805) 289-6401

瓦维. Medrano,治疗师,AMFT, APCC


I work with individuals, 青少年, 年轻的成年人, and adults. 我主要利用精神分析, 心理动力学心理治疗, 体心理治疗, 认知行为疗法 in my approach with clients. My list of specialties also includes: mindfulness practices, 抑郁症, 焦虑, 生命转换, ”+问题, 学术上的挑战.

我在澳门皇家赌城在线县出生和长大,我很喜欢在澳门皇家赌城在线和这里的学生工作,因为感觉自己在帮助自己社区的人,这是一种非常有益的感觉. 我说一口流利的西班牙语,并有幸与我们说西班牙语的学生一起工作,使他们能够接受治疗.

在我的业余时间, I enjoy walking on the beach with my French Bulldog named Bumi Bean, 在我当地的巴利健身房里锻炼, 重看我最喜欢的电视节目和电影.

瓦维. medrano

索菲亚是一名助理婚姻和家庭治疗师,拥有广泛的治疗方法. 索菲亚通过利用各种治疗方法,如以人为本的治疗,为她的客户提供全面和量身定制的支持, 着重于解决方案的治疗, 心理动力学治疗, 辩证行为疗法, 情感聚焦疗法, 动机性访谈, 正念认知疗法, 认知行为疗法.

有处理各种问题的经验, Sophia has successfully treated individuals dealing with ADHD, 调整的挑战, 焦虑, 依恋障碍, 体成像, 沟通困难, 抑郁症, 饮食失调, 家族性创伤, 与身份作斗争, 自杀意念, 自残的行为, 价值澄清, 信任问题, 精神分裂症, 感情问题, 上瘾, 时间管理问题, 文化的复杂性, 也曾帮助过性侵的幸存者.

致力于提供富有同情心的护理, 索菲亚·马特奥为寻求心理健康帮助的个人创造了一个安全和支持性的环境. Her vast knowledge and diverse therapeutic approaches enable her to address a wide range of concerns, helping her clients navigate life's challenges and foster personal growth.


Hi, 我的名字是丹尼斯,我是一名心理健康治疗师,专注于大学生的各种需求和支持, 从过渡调整到抑郁, 焦虑, 社交恐惧症, 创伤后应激障碍, 以及家庭/关系问题.  除了我的经验, I also have three 孩子们 that are either transitioning into college, 你在上大学还是刚毕业, 所以我真的理解!  我了解当地社区大学学生的需求,并提供一系列符合学生目标的治疗干预措施.  说到年轻人, 我专攻以人为本的治疗, 认知行为疗法和以解决方案为中心的模型,可以为识别应对技巧提供一个新的视角,各行各业的学生都可以适应这些技巧,做出积极的改变.   

I’ve worked in various communities and environments including mental health agencies, 学区, colleges and private practice and have sizable experience working with culturally diverse individuals, 孩子们, 青少年, 年轻的成年人, 夫妻和家庭.  I currently work with various communities including LGBTQIA+, 护理, veterans and athletes focused on mental health awareness prevention and support.   我是“脚踏实地”的大力倡导者,“创造机会活在当下, 脚踏实地,全面发展.   

说到成长和发展,我获得了M.S. in Counseling, Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy from California Lutheran University and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.  I can offer a wide range of professional and personal life experiences and always happy to listen, empathize and validate to support your health and wellness.  I have a family of my own with three 孩子们 and a wife from Cape Town, South Africa.   我是来自华盛顿的东海岸人.C., 我喜欢旅行, 与家人共度时光, 遛我的两只狗(影子和菲比), laughing over TikTok videos and listening and playing music.

我希望很快能见到你! 保持好.


你好! 我叫费尔南. 我是澳门皇家赌城在线的心理健康顾问. My focus in counseling and psychotherapy is very person centered and humanistic. While holding space and creating an environment of 信任 and calm, 我在这里与你们一起倾听和学习,我们一起调整观点,克服挑战和困难. 我的方法倾向于以体贴和同情的态度理解和倾听你的现状. Essentially, we will work collaboratively to spotlight solution focused mindset and development.

我在圣费尔南多谷长大,在美国军队服役.S. 2001-2015年担任海军医护兵. I am now a Veteran with 15+ years of experience in health and administration. I have a background working in small clinics, field medical operations with the U.S. 海军陆战队, 外科手术室, forward resuscitative surgical units and major scaled hospitals in different parts of the world. 我目前与几个不同的退伍军人和当地组织有联系,并担任志愿者,以帮助和支持社区.

作为圣巴巴拉市安提阿大学的一名学生,我正在努力攻读咨询和心理治疗硕士学位,成为一名有执照的婚姻和家庭治疗师. I received my undergraduate degree at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks (2020), where I was involved in various organizations within the student body. 在我的业余时间, I work with horses to conduct “equine assisted psychotherapy”(EAP). 传统的治疗通常在办公室里进行, 在EAP中,我们到外面一个大的竞技场,让马自由地漫游,这是一个整合的辅助成长和学习,包括联系和信任.


Fernan Diamse

作为澳门皇家赌城在线的治疗师, 我的首要任务和承诺是为寻求帮助的学生提供一个治愈和安全的空间. 我热衷于帮助客户克服他们的困难,找到他们一直有能力实现的成长和成就. I believe there is always a light at the end of each tunnel that we walk through in life, and my goal is to be there to help guide each of you to the other side.

你是否正在经历人生的重大转变, 过去的创伤至今还在影响着你吗, are dealing with difficult symptoms like 焦虑 or 抑郁症, or if you’re even looking for someone to simply listen and understand, 我很荣幸能和你一起踏上这段旅程. 我相信治愈对每个人来说都是可能的,治疗是实现这一目标的最有用的工具之一.  

My training and specialties are in PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression. 我有两个硕士学位, 一个是临床心理学, 另一本是《澳门英皇赌城在线》, 都来自加州路德大学. I work from an approach that encompasses many different therapy styles, and have found that it’s usually best to find what works for each client, as each of you are individuals with your own unique experiences. 

我受过猜脑训练, 创伤的具体治疗方式是什么, 焦虑和抑郁是集中在帮助大脑和神经系统释放我们的创伤或压力的影响. I may also use components of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, 正念, 以解决方案为中心的治疗, 这些都能帮助我们更好地管理我们的思想, 行为, 以及我们的身体对压力的反应. 如果你有兴趣寻求治疗,请随时联系VC学生健康中心(805)289-6346,我很乐意讨论我如何才能最好地支持你.

cait ismay


我是一只四岁的混血狗(Chi-Poo),目前在澳门皇家赌城在线大学生健康中心全职工作. I love meeting students, doing classroom presentations, and taking walks around campus! 如果你在外面见到我,请打声招呼!

Bing锣 spends most of his time working from his papa's office (LMFT Supervisor Andrew Nelson), 但他可以参加会面和问候. If you would like to schedule a visit, please contact our 学生健康中心 front office!

*Bing锣 is a certified emotional support animal, but is not a certified service animal
